About GFI

Green Foundation Ireland aims to create an awareness of the importance of an ecological and sustainable Ireland through education and community projects. GFI’s priorities and projects are determined by our Board of Directors and are independent of other organisations.

We are affiliated to the Green European Foundation, through which GFI is networked to other Green foundations throughout Europe who work for a sustainable Europe. GFI is also a member of the Irish Environment Network and of the Environmental Pillar.


Green Foundation Ireland, a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital, is a registered charity (Charity Number: CHY 21114) having been granted charitable status by the Irish Revenue Commissioners. We are also registered with the Charities Regulator and our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 2010 9042 – see here for our listing in the Charities Register. Our Patron, former Chair and Director of GFI, Duncan Stewart has been a leading Irish advocate for environmental issues for over 40 years. GFI’s decision-making body consists of a Board of Directors, which currently comprises John Barry, Pat Brereton, Claire Downey, Brian Gormley, Eileen McDermott, Donna Mullen (Chair), and Martin Nolan. Our Company Secretary is Mark Glynn.

GFI organises and carries out its work of creating a sustainable Ireland through its Management Team consisting of John Gormley (Communications Manager), Ciaran Monahan (Researcher), Ann O’Conarain (Administrator), and Tommy Simpson (Projects Co-Ordinator). Our Patron, the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Team volunteer their time and commitment to furthering the vision of GFI of a sustainable Ireland.

GFI’s Management Team works with its Administrator Ann O’Conarain to organise and run GFI events, to maintain best practice corporate governance and to keep the Board of Directors informed and engaged with all aspects of GFI’s work. The GFI Management Team is augmented by its Chair Donna Mullen and by other Board members for specific projects and events.


GFI operates through specific events and projects for which it seeks funding from appropriate sources. Please click here to visit our Events Page and our Projects Page.


Our audited financial statements are available for all years since our incorporation in 2012 here.


We have produced an Annual Report on Activities for all years since our incorporation in 2012 and you can find them here.


Funding is project specific, with projects being selected by the Board and approved on merit. Individuals and organisations may apply to GFI to approve their projects and have them forwarded by GFI to appropriate funding organisations.


To achieve our goals we seek strategic partnerships with other organisations who share our values.

Our current partner is Green European Foundation (GEF).


We welcome volunteers or donors to GFI or to specific projects, and we plan to hold specific events for such Friends of GFI.